Am I happy with the size and fit when wearing a bra?
This may be the first question you ask yourself before doing any research into breast lift surgery. If you are unhappy with the way that your breasts fit into a bra, whether it be the size, fit, shape, or any other factor, a breast lift may be the right move. We offer a variety of different techniques to give you the look and feel that you desire.
Are my breasts asymmetrical or oddly shaped?
If your confidence has been shaken because your breasts appear to be mismatched in size or shape, this procedure is for you. One of the most common reasons women seek out breast lift surgery is because one breast is larger, higher, or simply does not match the other. If your appearance has been hindered due to asymmetrical breasts, consider allowing us to provide a solution with a breast lift.
Do my nipples appear to point downward?
If the years have resulted in a gradual downturn of your nipples, a breast lift is the perfect fix. Generally caused by sagging breasts, downward pointing nipples is a common issue that pushes women to consider breast lift surgeries. By reshaping and lifting the breasts, we can fix this problem and return your nipples to the outward direction they once had.
Do my areolas sit below the crease of my breasts?
Sometimes the areolas will stretch far enough to pass the crease at the bottom of the breast. This is not desirable for most women and is generally a great reason to consider a breast lift. By removing excess skin and lessening the size of the areola, Dr. Heil can give you the beautiful, perky breasts that you desire.
Each of these issues, along with others, can be reconciled through a breast lift surgery or other form of breast rejuvenation procedure. At Premier Plastic Surgery, we will hear all your concerns to establish the breast lift plan that will leave you feeling more beautiful and confident.
Will a significant weight loss warrant a breast lift?
Women who have gone through a recent transformation via drastic weight loss should also consider breast lift surgery, as the shape and appearance of your breasts may have had an adverse reaction to the change in volume. At Premier Plastic Surgery, we can give your breasts the proper treatment to match your new figure.