What is the appropriate age for a facelift?
Fast Facelift Facts:
- Facelifts are the 5th most popular cosmetic surgery in America.
- Daily, somewhere in the United States, 338 people undergo the procedure.
- 10% of facelift patients are male (2019)
- 90% of facelift patients are female (2019)
- < 1% of facelift patients are between ages 20-29 (348)
- 2% of facelift patients are between ages 30-39 (1,903)
- 32% of facelift patients are between ages 40-54 (39,559)
- 66% of facelift patients are age 55 and above (81,875)
Patients often wonder if they’re at an appropriate age for a facelift. As a facelift is an elective cosmetic procedure, rather than a required medical one, there’s not always a particularly magic number for the age at which you’re best suited for a facelift. We all interact with the elements differently and experience aging differently, so some of us display considerable signs of aging as early as or late 20s or early 30s, which others manage to stave off until they’re in their late 40s and beyond.
But let’s face it. If you find yourself wondering whether you might be a suitable facelift candidate, you’re very likely at least at a stage where an in-person consultation with Dr. Brian Heil, MD, FACS, would be very helpful.
Several factors contribute to how fast you age, including your genetics, your profession, your exposure to the sun and pollutants, as well as various other factors. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the age when most individuals opt for a mini-facelift or a full-facelift.
When do most people get a mini-facelift?
A mini-facelift is a slightly less intensive form of a facelift. It’s a procedure in which your surgeon creates fewer and smaller incisions to lift your skin in specific regions. A mini-facelift is suitable for people who want to treat minor or early signs of aging.
Since mini-facelifts best address less advanced signs of aging, they’re most suitable for patients between 30 and 40 years old. You could get a mini-facelift in your late 20s or late 40s, depending on your skin’s condition, however this isn’t common.
When do most people get a full facelift?
A facelift produces more dramatic results than a mini-facelift. During the full facelift procedure, your surgeon removes the excess skin tissues and pulls the skin upwards to smoothen out all the wrinkles and creases, making your skin appear taut and youthful.
Since facelifts address major signs of aging, they’re most suitable for patients with more pronounced signs of aging, often those above about 50-years-old. However, if you have major signs of aging at a younger age, you can also opt for a full-facelift earlier, depending on your skin condition. In fact, studies have shown that younger patients are often more satisfied with their facelift than older patients.
Am I a suitable candidate for a facelift?
As you can see, whether you’re a suitable candidate for a facelift depends on your specific skin condition and expectations. Most mini-facelift patients are in their 30s or 40s, and most full-facelift patients are over 50 years old. However, you can opt for a facelift at any stage before that age as well. If you are unhappy with your current appearance, want to tighten your skin, remove wrinkles and restore a more youthful appearance, a facelift may be right for you.
You’re a good candidate for a facelift if you:
- Are in good health
- Don’t smoke
- Want to make your skin look younger
- Are realistic about your expectations
- Understand that a facelift has a protracted recovery period