Week 2 Recovery
This past weekend was pretty easy. My pain has subsided quite a bit. I’ve been trying to wean myself from taking one pain pill every four hours. Believe me, I need it, but I’m really ready to start thinking more clearly. I have been able to stretch my dose out to every 4.5/5 hours, which is huge. Not to say I am consistent with this, but I try to be. I find that when I’m more active, I need to take it at that 4 hour mark.
The thing I seem to be having the most success with is the evening. I am taking my last pill around 8:00 pm, and sleeping through the night without taking one again till I wake at 6:00 am. Come 6:00 am it’s very difficult for me to get out of bed, but this is definitely a step in the right direction. This, to me, is success!
I worked for a few hours on Saturday and had my sutures removed from my lipo areas. They really weren’t bothering me at all, but it was time for them to come out. I was also told by our PA, Chris, that I can transition into another bra. This thrilled me. The surgical bra given to me the day of surgery is far from flattering. Functional: yes. Flattering: no. This great news led me to Victoria’s Secret. I got caught up in the excitement and purchased 6 new bras with and without underwire. I’m not allowed to wear any underwire for 8 weeks, so I’m holding onto the receipt, just in case.
I got the urge to try on some swimsuit tops Sunday night. To say I was enthusiastic would be the understatement of the year! Even my husband got caught up in my excitement. For the first time in my entire life, I am not dreading swimsuit season!