In alignment with recent guidance from Governor Wolfe, authorizing elective surgeries, we are pleased to be reopening Premier Plastic Surgery for service to our patients. Our highest priority remains the service and safety of our patients and staff. Therefore, in alignment with protocol established and issued by the Secretary of Health, we have implemented protective and preventive measures in our practice to maintain social distancing as well as the highest levels of hygiene and cleanliness.
These measures will allow our patients the full benefits of our services and peace of mind in knowing they can safely and comfortably visit us. Your safety is important to us and we want to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible coming into our practice — we’re in this together.
Safety Measures In Place for Our Reopening:
- We’ve Expanded Cleaning & Disinfect Routinely
While we have always prided ourselves in maintaining a meticulously clean facility, we are now dramatically expanding our cleaning routines. In alignment with the guidelines from the Secretary of Health, this means we will routinely clean and disinfect high-touch areas routinely with medical cleaners, in all spaces accessible to customers and staff.
Along with our new protocols that include increased terminal clearing, we are also now using JanPro® Enviroshield, an EPA-tested, eco-friendly and proprietary disinfectant and deodorizing technology that kills 99.99% of all germs and viruses.
- Our Staff & Visitors get Screened Daily
For your safety and protection, all of our staff, patients and visitors will be briefly screened upon arrival at the practice. In a small number of cases, this may include temperature checks if a guest or visitor gives us reason to believe that that would be in the best interest of assuring the safety of all. We feel this minor inconvenience will allow for peace of mind and the utmost safety of our patients. (In accordance with guidelines from the Secretary of Health, we would be turning away or sending home any person who registers with an elevated fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.)
- Our Staff are Equipped with PPE
Our staff will be wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), in the form of protective face coverings, or masks, while at work and while servicing our patients. Current guidelines from the Secretary of Health require our clients or patients to wear face masks at this time, just as is required at other public and private business establishments.
- In Some Cases, We’ve Redesigned for Social Distancing
In a few cases where it was necessary, we arranged parts of our practice in such a way that allows our patients to be comfortably serviced while maintaining a safe and comfortable distance from others throughout their treatment and in waiting rooms.
- We Have Protocol for Potentially Infected Staff & Patients
If a staff member or patient presents with symptoms while at our practice, we have protocol in place that would include closing off areas visited by the person who is a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19. These areas would then be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected prior to reopening. Staff presenting with symptoms while at home would remain home and care for themselves, visiting a doctor or hospital where appropriate. Patients are likewise encouraged to get the proper care if they feel they may have contracted COVID-19.
- We’re Also Providing for the Safety and Care of Our Service Staff
To ensure the health and safety of our staff, we have modified company policy to allow for full implementation of the direction from the Secretary of Health. This includes changes to how we conduct meetings, changes within our break room, and staggering the arrival or departure of our staff at opening and closing each day. We will thoroughly clean and disinfect again at the close of each day.
We look forward to servicing you and helping you accomplish all of your cosmetic goals and want you to feel safe and very welcome as we are sure you will be. Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions or concerns.