Michelle Moves onto her Stage 2 Bodysuit
Monday was a big day! I graduated into my stage 2 bodysuit. This body suit is suppose to be more comfortable and ‘breathable’. Zak, our surgical Physician Assistant, convinced me to try a Medium in the stage 2 bodysuit. My stage 1 body suit was a large. He told me I will be happier with my results.
My swelling is starting to subside a bit and I’m beginning to feel semi-normal. It’s still a struggle to get out of bed in the morning, but it’s definitely getting easier. I lasted about 6 hours at work on Monday, which is a lot longer than I thought I would. I have great co-workers who were more than willing to help. It’s amazing what a $3.00 McDonald’s latte will get for you.
Kathy, our office manager, was more than happy to fix my ponytail (my husband’s ponytail attempt was pretty bad), scratch my back, adjust my lumbar support on my chair, and grab the door for me as I needed. The girls said I looked stiff and clearly slow moving. When I got home from work I planted myself on the couch and didn’t move until it was time for my shower. I was exhausted! I’m really happy to report each day is getting easier and easier.