Five Tips and Tricks for a Smooth Recovery After a Tummy Tuck
If you’ve elected to have a tummy tuck, you’re probably researching as much as you can about what to expect after the procedure. That’s a smart move, since the recovery period is incredibly important. Be sure to follow these five tips and tricks for a smooth recovery:
1) Take a short walk every day.
Walking will help deter the formation of blood clots and other health issues that occur from laying in the same position for too long. A walk may not be possible for the first couple of days. Once you are able to engage in activity perhaps start with just a short stroll down the driveway and back, expanding to a normal-paced cruise around the neighborhood within about a week.
2) Don’t look for immediate results.
If you’re feeling better within a few days you’ll be tempted to step on the scale and see if you’ve lost any weight. Instead, wait for a period of about two weeks so your body will have a chance to rid itself of excess liquids. Also, don’t try on any tight clothing you’re hoping to fit into until a few weeks after the tummy tuck either.
3) Let others do housework.
Laundry, cleaning, and childcare should all be left to others in the early post-op period. Plan ahead and hire a household cleaning service, babysitter, dog walker, and other service providers to give you the peace of mind of knowing that everyone and everything is taken care of.
4) Maintain a healthy diet.
Avoid processed foods. Instead, drink protein-rich smoothies made with whole fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and melon. Be sure to drink lots of water, which will help flush out your system.
5) Stay positive.
Do everything you can to keep a positive attitude during your tummy tuck recovery. Get outside on a deck or patio for a bit of sunshine every day. Watch your favorite movies and TV shows, or read a book you’ve been waiting to read. Take pain medications as directed so you won’t be uncomfortable.