Best Procedures For 50’s: Liposuction
It’s satisfying when a strict exercise and diet regimen eliminates the unwanted bulges. That’s the reward we want for the effort put in. However, it seems that as people age and fat repositions itself throughout the body, certain areas become stubbornly resistant to regular workouts. Liposuction can help reduce the annoyingly persistent fat deposits of the body. Though not intended as a replacement for exercise and a healthy diet, liposuction can smooth the contours and adjust the proportions of a healthy person.
Liposuction, also called lipoplasty or body contouring, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that uses suction to permanently remove fat deposits from specific areas of the body. Liposuction can target the abdomen, arms, buttocks, hips, thighs, or neck. It sculpts the body contour by permanently removing the excess fat that made it appear clumpy. Liposuction is not a method for weight loss to replace diet and exercise. However, what liposuction will do is reach and remove those fat deposits that do not respond to a diet and exercise regimen. Liposuction can be used to enhance other cosmetic surgical procedures, such as facelift, breast reduction, and tummy tuck, by removing excess fat that may be preventing the best possible results from these procedures. (American Society of Plastic Surgeons, International Journal of Drug Development and Research, Mayo Clinic, The Journal of the American Medical Association, U.S. National Library of Medicine)
The benefits of liposuction are a smoother and slimmer shape. Everyone has areas of their body that are tough to tone or may be resistant to exercise and diet. Undergoing a liposuction procedure will remove the excess deposits of fat from these areas allowing the skin to lay more smoothly, giving it a more even appearance. Improvements are long lasting so long as a healthy weight is maintained. Liposuction should not be undertaken as a weight loss method, but rather as a sculpting procedure to remove small patches of fat. Further, liposuction will not firm already lax skin. Men and women alike can benefit from liposuction to sculpt the various areas of their bodies. To see the benefits of liposuction in before and after photographs of actual patients of Premier Plastic Surgery & Dermatology, click here. (American Society of Plastic Surgeons, International Journal of Drug Development and Research, Mayo Clinic, The Journal of the American Medical Association, U.S. National Library of Medicine)
Prior to the liposuction procedure, the target areas of the body are marked out with circles and lines. Anesthesia is administered to alleviate any discomfort during the procedure. Small incisions are made through which a tiny, hollow tube called a cannula is inserted. The cannula is manipulated in a back and forth motion to break up the fat deposits in the target areas. Once dislodged, the fat deposits are suctioned out of the body through multiple small incisions. The entire liposuction procedure can take up to a couple of hours, after which the patient is moved to a recovery room and monitored. Liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure, so the patient will return to the comfort of home later the same day. (American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Mayo Clinic, The Journal of the American Medical Association)
Maintaining vitality and wellbeing is high priority in this decade of life.There is a lot to accomplish and it feels great to look good while living a full life. It may be tougher in this decade to sculpt all areas of the body through exercise, even with a healthy diet. Liposuction is an option by which to eliminate persistently fat features. For men and women in their 50’s, liposuction is ideal because their bodies are fully matured and consistent lifestyle choices have stabilized their weight and body composition. Skin is amazing and will typically mold to the new contour created by liposuction. Careful planning to accommodate the lax skin of someone in their 50’s may influence the amount of fat removed from any one area during the procedure.(Aesthetic Plastic Surgery,American Society of Plastic Surgeons, International Journal of Drug Development and Research, The Journal of the American Medical Association, U.S. National Library of Medicine)
Our staff at Premier Plastic Surgery & Dermatology seeks to provide the highest level of care and comfort to our patients. Board-certified Pittsburgh plastic surgeon and founder ofPremier Plastic Surgery & Dermatology Dr. Brian V. Heil brings experience and knowledge to his craft, which has earned him top recognition within the plastic surgery community. It is priority at Premier Plastic Surgery & Dermatology that our patients become educated about the benefits and risks of any cosmetic surgery they may elect to undergo. We also strive to provide a pleasant experience of their procedure in our state-of-the-art Pittsburgh surgery center.
Dr. Brian V. Heil’s extensive education and experience sets him above average plastic surgeons. Dr. Heil earned his Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Pittsburgh. After which, he completed a five year integrated residency training program in General Surgery and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, along with a fellowship in Micro Surgery and Thrombosis Research from the University Medical Center of Pittsburgh, which is one of the country’s top plastic surgery training programs. He and his team have been treating patients since 2001 at Premier Plastic Surgery & Dermatology, which has grown to be one of the largest and most respected plastic surgery practices in Western Pennsylvania.
Areas of our bodies that may have once responded well to exercise can develop stubborn pockets of fat. Liposuction at Premier Plastic Surgery & Dermatology can reduce deposits of fatty tissue and smooth the contours of the body. Our experienced and professional staff at Premier Plastic Surgery & Dermatology will meet and discuss with you the details of your personal situation in relation to the benefits and risks to determine if liposuction is the right choice for you. To schedule a consultation with our board-certified Pittsburgh plastic surgeon Dr. Brian V. Heil, contact us at 724-264-3608 or send us an email.