Benefits of an IPL Photofacial
Men and women who want a younger looking, healthy appearance should consider an IPL photofacial. Unlike more intense cosmetic surgeries, this non-invasive procedure offers beautiful results without any downtime or prolonged recovery period.
IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light, which is exactly how this technology works. Treatments are gentle, and patients do not need to worry about being sedated as they would with more invasive surgical options. A complete IPL photofacial actually consists of a short series of sessions. Typically, patients will get the best results from a total of five sessions, though he or she will begin to notice a difference after just the first or second visits.
Sessions are fairly quick, and during each, the intense pulsed light rays are targeted very specifically to attack dark colored skin cells, such as those that make up age or sun spots. These red and brown cells are destroyed while the natural skin-colored cells around them remain unharmed. During the process, broken capillaries are also treated. Collagen production is stimulated by the light, which means patients can expect a youthful, rejuvenated look. This surge in collagen leads to the shrinking of pores and filling in of fine lines and indentations. Patients will enjoy an overall smoother complexion and more even skin tone once they’ve completed the series.