ARTAS® Robotic Hair Restoration: Your Questions Answered
Dr. Brian V. Heil of Premier Plastic Surgery is now offering the best hair regrowth treatment in Pittsburgh: ARTAS® Robotic Hair Restoration. Today, our staff wanted to answer some of the questions that are commonly asked by our ARTAS® patients.
Am I a Good Candidate for ARTAS®?
Anyone who is suffering from male pattern baldness is a good candidate for ARTAS®. Many of our patients are men in their twenties or thirties who have begun to lose their hair much too soon.
Will My Results Be Permanent?
Yes! During this treatment, the physician-guided ARTAS® robotic system will transplant healthy hair follicles from the back and sides of your head and place them in your thinning areas. These follicles are not vulnerable to the conditions that cause male pattern baldness, so this transplanted hair will last a lifetime.
How Much Does ARTAS® Hair Restoration Cost?
The exact cost of your procedure will vary depending on your unique needs. On average, patients will spend $10,000 for their treatment. Fortunately, many plastic surgeons, including Dr. Heil, have financing options that make this treatment more affordable.
Should I Cut My Hair Before This Procedure?
We recommend that you gradually shorten the length of your hair over two or three haircuts. This makes your transition less noticeable to friends, and family. On the day of your procedure, your hair’s “donor area” should be 1 mm in length.
How Long Will This Procedure Take?
The length of your procedure will vary depending on the results you desire. Generally, you should expect your treatment to last four to eight hours. During this time, you can relax in a comfortable chair while watching a movie or reading a book.
What Is the Recovery Like?
Unlike other treatments, ARTAS® is minimally-invasive and requires little downtime. You should be able to return to your regular activities within only a couple of days. You may have small, red scabs on your scalp at first, but these scabs should harmlessly fall off in about a week.
Will People Know I Got This Procedure?
For the first few days, you might choose to wear a baseball cap, but by the one-week mark, the hair on the back of your head will look perfectly natural. No one would ever guess that you received this treatment!
When Will I See Results?
Your newly-transplanted hair follicles will slowly grow in and restore your full head of hair over the next several months. The change will be subtle, so your friends and family might not be quite sure why you look so great!
To learn more about ARTAS® Robotic Hair Restoration, the best hair treatment for hair loss in Pittsburgh, call 724-264-3608 today!