As we age, our hairs naturally tend to become weaker and fewer, and may even lead to bald patches on our scalps and bodies. However, younger individuals or those in generally good health who begin to develop thinning patches of hair may suffer from alopecia areata, an autoimmune skin disease which causes smooth and hairless patches of skin on one’s scalp and body (National Alopecia Areata Foundation). While there is no known cure for alopecia areata, we at Premier Plastic Surgery & Dermatology offer several products and procedures which may mitigate the effects of this condition. We wanted to dedicate today’s post to discussing alopecia areata, and ways that we at Premier Plastic Surgery & Dermatology can help.
What is Alopecia Areata?
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune skin disease in which hair on one’s scalp and body falls off as rounded patches. In those suffering from alopecia areata, the immune system will mistakenly attack the hair follicles and lead the follicles to become small and unable to grow hairs that are visible about the skin’s surface. Those with alopecia areata may regrow these lost hairs, but there is a good chance that they fall out once again. It is important to note that no matter how widespread and severe hair loss may be, most hair follicles remain active and capable of resuming normal hair production if given the correct signal (American Academy of Dermatology, National Alopecia Areata Foundation, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases ). Alopecia areata seldom physicalizes itself as inflammation, redness, or pain, although those with early-stage alopecia may notice some itching and skin sensitivity. Rather, many causes of alopecia are characterized by cyclical hair loss and regrowth over several years (American Hair Loss Association, American Osteopathic College of Dermatology).
Affecting over 147 million people worldwide, alopecia areata can occur in individuals of any age, gender, and ethnicity, although the condition typically appears during childhood. Additionally, alopecia areata tends to appear in those individuals who have a close family member who also has the condition. For certain individuals, alopecia may be triggered by a virus or aggravating factor in their environment. When one loses hair on one’s scalp, the condition is often referred to as alopecia totalis, whereas hair loss on one’s body is called alopecia universalis (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, American Academy of Dermatology).
What Can We Do To Help You At Premier Plastic Surgery & Dermatology?
While there is no known cure for alopecia areata, there are several products and procedures available that may alleviate your condition. After consulting with our surgical team, we may prescribe medicated lotions and shampoos, oral therapies, or air-compressed injections. For many of our patients with alopecia areata, we suggest undergoing NeoGraft Hair Restoration, a state-of-the-art procedure that guarantees permanent hair growth. NeoGraft Hair Restoration sessions involve Follicular Unit Extraction, in which hairs are harvested from thick and dense areas to those areas with sparse or no hairs. We at Premier Plastic Surgery & Dermatology can typically remove and implant 2,000 hairs per session, thus ensuring quick and efficient results. A minimally-invasive procedure, no scalpel, stiches, or sutures are required for those undergoing a NeoGraft Hair Restoration session and most individuals can resume their normal activities by the following day. Patients who undergo NeoGraft Hair Restoration sessions seldom experience pain, scarring, and swelling, with many patients noting that the results appear natural instead of hair transplants’ typically “pluggy” appearance (NeoGraft).
Bottom Line
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune skin disease characterized by balding patches of skin on one’s head and body. While there is no known cure for this disease, there are a bevy of treatments available for alopecia-sufferers. One of the best treatments available is NeoGraft Hair Restoration, in which hairs are harvested from areas with thick and dense hairs to those areas which are thinning or bald. What makes NeoGraft Hair Restoration so spectacular is that it is a fairly quick and efficient procedure (we at Premier Plastic Surgery and Dermatology can typically implant 2,000 hairs per session) and seldom leaves scarring, swelling, or inflammation in patients. If you are interested in learning more about NeoGraft Hair Restoration or would like to schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian Heil , please feel free to call us at 724-264-3608 or send us an email. If you are interested in hair loss treatments other than NeoGraft Hair Restoration, then we would gladly set you up for a consultation with our board-certified dermatologists, Dr. Ana Busquets and Dr. Susannah McClain.
As we age, our hairs naturally tend to become weaker and fewer, and may even lead to bald patches on our scalps and bodies. However, younger individuals or those in generally good health who begin to develop thinning patches of hair may suffer from alopecia areata, an autoimmune skin disease which causes smooth and hairless patches of skin on one’s scalp and body (National Alopecia Areata Foundation). While there is no known cure for alopecia areata, we at Premier Plastic Surgery & Dermatology offer several products and procedures which may mitigate the effects of this condition. We wanted to dedicate today’s post to discussing alopecia areata, and ways that we at Premier Plastic Surgery & Dermatology can help.