5 Little-Known Facelift Facts
When anti-aging creams, serums, and even injections no longer seem to produce the smooth, youthful-looking results you want, a facelift procedure might be the most effective solution for you. But even though facelifts remain one of the top five plastic surgery procedures performed in the United States, many men and women are unfamiliar with some of these lesser-known facts about the procedure (American Society of Plastic Surgeons).
1. A Facelift Can Take 9 Years off Your Face
While many of the over 100,000 Americans who get facelifts every year might not have an exact age in mind that they’d like to achieve with their results, research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has found that a facelift can make you look an average of 8.9 years younger.
Using preoperative and postoperative photographs, this study analyzed 60 patients undergoing facial plastic surgery. Raters were asked to determine the age of each patient when presented with the photographs in a randomized order. The result was that the perceived age, i.e. the estimated age given by the raters, was an average of 8.9 years younger in a patient’s postoperative photo than in that same individual’s preoperative photo.
2. It’s Not Aimed at Removing Age Spots
Although facelift surgery can offer dramatic results when it comes to smoothing away fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin, there are some limitations of the procedure. Visible signs of aging that have to do with skin discoloration, such as age spots or scarring, won’t necessarily be improved through a facelift.
There are, however, a number of skin resurfacing treatments that can be performed following your facelift procedure and recovery to help minimize skin discoloration (Mayo Clinic). If this is something that you may be interested in, talk with your plastic surgeon to determine how long after your facelift you should wait before scheduling professional skin resurfacing treatment.
3. It Can Be Combined with Other Procedures
While a facelift can yield very comprehensive results, many people choose to combine it with other facial plastic surgery procedures such as a brow lift or eyelid surgery. These procedures can offer a nice complement to your facelift, especially if you have specific concerns related to the brow or eye areas. This is also something that you can discuss in greater detail with your plastic surgeon during your consultation to help you decide if one or more of these treatments might work well for you.
4. Nonsurgical Alternatives Just Don’t Stand Up
In some cases, especially at the first signs of facial aging, creams and other nonsurgical alternatives may suffice. But, unfortunately, the aging process cannot be stopped altogether. When lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin continue to progress, the truth is that those creams and serums just won’t be able to work as effectively as they may have in the past.
When this is the case, a facelift can offer unequivocal, dramatic results that just can’t be achieved through nonsurgical methods. Moreover, your smooth, youthful appearance will be much longer-lasting following a facelift procedure than would be possible using creams and injections.
5. You’ll Look Like Yourself, Just Enhanced
One of the most commonly asked questions about facelifts is, “Will I still look like myself?” The answer to that is a resounding “Yes”. You’ll still look like yourself, with the same facial characteristics that make you unique, only you’ll appear brighter, younger, and refreshed.
In fact, some men and women report that those in their social circle often notice a difference in their appearance, but they can’t specify exactly what’s different about them because they still look like themselves. In this way, a facelift offers very natural-looking, yet dramatic results that have the ability to enhance your everyday appearance without appearing “fake” or “done.”
Taking the Next Step
If you’re considering a facelift, the first step is to choose the right plastic surgeon. Because this procedure is so delicate and detail-oriented, you’ll want to be sure that the plastic surgeon you choose has plenty of current experience performing facelifts.
At Premier Plastic Surgery & Dermatology in Pittsburgh and Wexford, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian Heil has extensive training and experience performing facial procedures, including facelifts, rhinoplasty, brow lifts, and eyelid surgery. View our before and after photo gallery to see real examples of previous patients whom Dr. Heil has been able to help.
For more information about your facelift options, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Heil, please contact us at 724-264-3608 and take the next step toward getting the smooth, rejuvenated appearance you want.